If you do not find any (or all) of the desired pull-down menus, then you may need to find the customization file(s) you were using and load it/them. If you find them, select the toggle to put a check mark in it and have it included in your Workspace. Expand the Partial Customization Files node, then expand each partial customization file, looking for one that has the pull-down menus you want under the Menus node. If there are no pull-down menus listed under the Menus node of the main customization file, then either your previous copy is not the one you were using that had pull-down menus -OR- the pull-down menus were being pulled from a partial customization file. (Any with checkmarks already will be there, but from your post it sounded like there were none, other than the standard Windows menus.) Select the toggle in front of each pull-down menu you want, putting a check mark in the toggle. Start by expanding the Menus node under the main (ACA) customization file. In the upper left panel, you will need to find the menus you want in your Workspace. In the upper right panel, you should see the contents of the selected Workspace. If it is not your usual Workspace, and you want the toolbars to display in your usual Workspace, right click on your usual Workspace and choose Set Current from the context menu. If this is your usual Workspace, select it. Under the Workspaces node, find the Workspace that has (current) at the end of the Workspace name.
Then expand the Workspaces node, if it is not expanded.
In the upper left panel, expand the ACA node (main customization file), if it is not expanded. If it is a less than sign "<", it is already expanded and you need do nothing in this step. If the symbol on the button is a greater than sign ">", select it to expand the dialog. In the lower right corner is a round button.
In the Customize User Interface dialog, with the Customize tab current, verify that you are seeing the full dialog.At the command line, type CUI and press the ENTER key.Did you transfer the "classic" pull-down menus (which have not been part of the ACA.cuix file since the 2009 release) to the ACA.cuix, or did you set them up in a partial customization file? Does the copy of the previous CUIX file you are using have the pull-down menus defined within it? If so, add them to your current workspace.