Note that you will need The Sims 4: Get to Work expansion for this mod to work. Before now, the process was strange and cartoon-like with pregnant Sims going into a large machine and exiting out with their babies. The Realistic Childbirth Mod by PandaSama offers new options for going into labour in The Sims 4.

If you have a large number of mods, check out our guide to The Sims 4 Mod Manager, a mod that categorises your mods into folders and organises them for you.Once that's all done, check the list to see if the mod has been downloaded, then proceed with your game. When you're back in the game, a pop-up menu should appear listing all the mods you have installed.Relaunch the game for the changes to take effect.Next, tick the box to enable custom content and mods.Click ' Game Options' and then 'Other'.On the right side of the screen, select ' Options'.

Due to this, it is always a good idea to back up your save files before downloading mods as a safeguard. The first thing to note when downloading CC or mods is that they have the potential to cause game breaks or may affect your game in unforeseen ways.